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Ravenhill taking plenty from tough period in Rovers side

21 April 2023


Ravenhill taking plenty from tough period in Rovers side

21 April 2023

Liam Ravenhill believes and his fellow young players will emerge from this difficult period at Rovers as stronger players.

The midfielder spoke to the media ahead of Saturday’s clash with Newport County and reflected on his recent run in the side.

On the difficulty of the last few months:

“It has been difficult. The results have been poor but I think there’s been a few performances in there where we have shown promise and that we can play. There’s been games where we should have got results out of it and on another we day we get the result and it’s a good day but we’ve not come out of it as happy as we should have.”

On his recent game time:

“It’s a tough circumstance to come into but it’s valuable experience for me that I can only learn from. These tough times will only stand me in good stead in the future. I think I’m learning loads from being chucked in at the deep end and being in the tough circumstance. I’m learning a lot from the environment.

“I’m grateful for the games I’m getting. I feel like I’m growing with each game. It’s different to the level I’ve played at but I’m adjusting to it and getting used to it.”

On other young players getting opportunities:

“They’re in the same boat as me and like me it’s experiences that will stay with them for the rest of their careers. It’s a tough situation to be thrown into when we’re losing and struggling but if they can get through the tough times, it’ll stand them in good stead.

“We have a good relationship, all of us. It helps each other get through games, when you’re struggling.

“The senior players are really good and they’re always there to help. Tommy Rowe has played 600 games - he’s got so much experience and if there’s anything I need from him, he’s always there and he can help out massively.”

On working with Danny Schofield:

“I speak to him all the time in his office. We’re always going through things. I’ve learned a lot from him and I’m only going to learn more.

“He’s a really approachable person. I can go and see him whenever I want. If there’s anything I’m unsure of I can speak to him or Chad [Gribble] the assistant or Greeny [Paul Green].

“I’ve known Greeny a long time with him playing alongside my dad. He’s someone else who’s really approachable. He’ll always be honest with me and if he thinks there’s areas I can improve, he’ll tell me. And if he thinks I’ve done well, he’ll tell me that as well.”

On the direction of the team:

“We work on the training pitch every day and there’s clear patterns and a clear way we want to play. It’s just about translating it off the training pitch onto matchday and showing the fans what we can do. We’ve struggled to do that recently but eventually we will get there.”


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