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Club News

Supporting mental health

3 September 2018

Club News

Supporting mental health

3 September 2018

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Rovers will support a series of initiatives to help raise awareness about mental health among supporters and residents of the area over the next 12 months.

These events will support the partnership the EFL has with mental health charity MIND and the partnership between LNER and CALM, who featured on the club's third kit in the 2017/18 season.

The club have already agreed to

  • Promote the availability of pyschological therapies that are available across the borough of Doncaster to residents.
  • Deliver a series of mental health workshops through our Fit Rovers project delivered by the Club Doncaster Foundation
  • Support Doncaster CCG and other NHS organisations with the delivery of mental health services where possible
  • Only one in four young people under the age of 18 with a diagnosable mental health problem receive treatment, the club are ring-fencing the 2018/19 third kit design process for young people in Doncaster.

As part of the process these youngsters will gain access to valuable information about mental health issues and where they can go for support.

Group head of marketing & communications Shaun Lockwood said: "We've had lots of discussions with the different parties from the health and care sector over recent weeks and it's clear that given our place in the community we can really help raise awareness of mental health in Doncaster and beyond.

"Our plan over the next 12 months is to help reduce the stigma attached to mental health issues and help break-down the barriers people have when talking about mental health problems."


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