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Olowu keen to kick on after injury woes

10 February 2023


Olowu keen to kick on after injury woes

10 February 2023

Joseph Olowu is determined to put the past few months behind him and push on following his comeback from injury.

Speaking to the media ahead of Rovers’ trip to Swindon Town this weekend, the centre half described his delight to make his return off the bench in Tuesday’s win over Tranmere Rovers following a facial injury.

Olowu on his return:

“Honestly speaking it was up there with one of the best feelings. Being back on the pitch, doing what I love doing and especially being back at home in front of the fans and getting the result as well, it was a nice way to top off my return back.

“God-willing I can kick on, stay fit, push on and just finish strong.”

On staying positive through his injury woes:

“The club have been fantastic with me because they gave me time to go back down home and spend time with my family. They kindly gave me Christmas and New Year off to spend with my family. It was a nice reset to take before getting back in to prepare for the second half of the season and it helped a lot.

“The job we’re in, you’re not fortunate to get many Christmases off. Of course, you go along with the game schedule and you take it as it comes.”

On Tuesday’s win:

“It was massive to just back up what we’ve been big on since the gaffer has come in. The gaffer is very process driven and we’ve been backing the process and continuing with it. The result on Tuesday night spoke of that and we found a way to win the game.

“Anything we can do as a defensive unit that can contribute to the team’s performance and result, we try our hardest to do that.”

On working under Danny Schofield so far:

“I’ve been involved in every meeting. Even when I had the injury, I still sat in on every meeting, watched the videos and asked questions when I felt I needed to so I had an understanding for when I got back on the pitch and it could be a smooth transition.

“I feel as though that has helped a lot.

“The gaffer’s door is always open. Give him a knock and he’ll always have a conversation with you.”

On Ro-Shaun Williams:

“He wears his heart on his sleeve. He’s someone that is willing to give every single ounce of himself for the club.

“The fans will have their opinions and they have their rights to but he’s one of your own players and he gives everything. He doesn’t shy away from a tackle, a header. He’s willing to stand up and be counted and he does that in every single game and every single training session. He’s fantastic for us all around here.

“We’re not all perfect but you have to back us and get on board with all of us. You have to recognise the players that are doing their all and get behind those players and push them on even more.

“We’re on our pitch trying to do our best for the football club. We’re all in it together and it’d be nice if everyone was together - one ship moving in one direction.”

On the new arrivals in January:

“I think the squad now has a lot of depth, not only in numbers but in quality as well. We’ve got boys that have played in and around the level and boys on their early loans. It’s good.

“The boys that have come in have added to the competitive nature that we already had here and they’re bringing more of that out of everyone else.”

On the position in the league:

“When you look at the league table and where we’re placed with the teams around us, we’re very much in touching distance. We need to get ourselves on a nice run now and it’ll be a whole different conversation.

“If we keep our heads sound and keep doing what we have been doing, the results will start falling into place.”



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