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WATCH | Tommy Rowe looks ahead to Sheffield Wednesday friendly

25 July 2023


WATCH | Tommy Rowe looks ahead to Sheffield Wednesday friendly

25 July 2023

Tommy Rowe says there is a determination from the Rovers squad to show supporters what they are all about in Tuesday's friendly against Sheffield Wednesday.

Rowe admits there is plenty of improvement to be had from the Rovers players as they look to put Grant McCann's plans into practice heading into the new campaign.

And he feels the clash with Championship newcomers Wednesday is the perfect time to showcase what has been worked on at Cantley Park to a greater extent.

"We're very keen to get going and, Tuesday in particular, to start to give the fans another sighting of what we can do," he said.

"Hopefully we get closer to that game understanding and winning games of football."

To hear Rowe's thoughts on the friendly against Wednesday, working under Grant McCann once again and pre-season so far, click play on the video above.

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